It finally became Spring in the Smoky Mountains! Ernie was busy on several updates at Asbury Cottage 2 this season.
The new backyard deck is such an enjoyable spot to relax and soak up the sunshine!
The 12’x22′ deck includes colored vinyl lattice in the Clay color option, which matches the house nicely. It doesn’t need painting and it will not rot, making for quick and easy installation and maintenance. It’s a little pricy, but will be worth it in the long term.
We added a hightop table and chairs with cushions from Big Lots, an Adirondack-style sitting chair from Lowes, an all-weather rocker and a new charcoal grill, also from Lowes.
Ernie replaced the carport entryway window with a 9-light fiberglass door from Lowes that leads onto the deck. We are also adding a deck mounted soft top gazebo from Big Lots to provide some shade.
Did you know you could earn cash back on all of these products using the Rakuten app when you order online? There are hundreds of online stores available for cash back options. When you shop through their app, Rakuten sends you a “Big Fat Check”! I use it all the time, unless I get in a hurry and forget. It really does help to save you some money.
Pack your iPad or laptop so you can jump on the high-speed Wifi internet while you fix a cup of coffee from the custom made coffee bar. The deck is a relaxing place sip that cup of morning coffee outdoors.