7 Winter Bird Feeding Tips: Attract More Birds to Your Yard
Bird watching has always been a big part of my life. My mom is an avid backyard bird watcher who feeds the birds year-round and knows the markings and characteristics of each species that visits her feeders.
As for me, I enjoy the beauty of bird watching too, though I’m not quite as “die-hard” as my mom. I love watching the different birds interact at my feeders, and I’ve learned a lot just by observing and asking her questions over the years. So, I thought I’d share some winter bird feeding tips to inspire you to begin or expand your winter bird feeding hobby.
Winter is the perfect time to bring a little more life and color to your yard. One of the most rewarding and simple activities you can do during the colder months is bird feeding.
Not only does it help local wildlife, but it also gives you the opportunity to enjoy the presence of new bird species at your feeders. Whether you’re a seasoned bird watcher or just starting out, these 7 winter bird feeding tips will help you attract more birds to your yard this season.
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1. Offer High-Calorie, Fatty Foods
One key to a successful winter feeding strategy is offering foods that give birds the energy they need, like these high-energy suet cakes.
Fatty foods like suet, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and mealworms are ideal. I like to put out suet cakes along with the bird seed. It doesn’t take the birds long to find the food, so just be patient and keep watching. Suddenly, your feeders will be full of birds and it will be so interesting to see how they react to each other and the food.
I’m still amazed by how birds like woodpeckers and chickadees can cling to suet feeders and enjoy their treats.
2. Provide a Variety of Seed
One of my mom’s tricks is having a variety of seeds in different feeders. She’ll fill one feeder with black oil sunflower seeds for the finches and chickadees and another with mixed seeds for the bigger birds, like bluejays.
When you use this method, it’s easy to spot which species prefer what type of food. It’s also an easy way to attract a greater variety of birds to your yard, from the quick-moving finches to the more stationary cardinals.
3. Keep Your Feeders Clean
It’s important to keep your feeders clean. Dirty feeders can lead to the spread of disease among birds, and it’s something we both take very seriously.
After a snowstorm, go out and clean your feeders and stamp down the snow to make it easier for the birds to find food. It’s a small task, but it makes a big difference in keeping the birds healthy.
4. Suet for the Winter Birds
Suet is especially important in the colder months, and I’ve learned that it attracts woodpeckers, nuthatches, and other birds that need high-fat food to survive the cold.
My mom swears by it. Whenever she puts up a new suet feeder, it’s a matter of minutes before the woodpeckers are hanging out, hammering away at the suet. I started doing the same, and it really brings more variety to the yard during the winter months.
5. Offer Fresh Water
Birds need water to drink, and in winter, fresh water can be hard to come by. You can use a fancy heated birdbath, or just use a shallow dish. Make sure to replace the water every day when it freezes. You’ll see more birds showing up to drink, and it adds a convenient water source near your feeders during those chilly mornings.
6. Consider the Placement of Your Feeders
Placement is key for attracting birds, as both my mom and I have discovered over the years. Birds like to feel safe, so it’s a good idea to place your feeders near some cover, such as bushes or trees. You may also need to protect your feeder from predators with a predator guard like this one.
This gives them a quick escape if predators like hawks or cats are nearby. Place your feeders near a line of shrubs, and you’ll see a huge increase in the number of birds that visit, especially during the winter.
7. Watch and Enjoy
As much as we both focus on feeding the birds, we always make time to sit back and enjoy watching them. If you want to learn more about the birds’ markings and characteristics, use binoculars to get an up-close look.
Whether it’s a group of chickadees hopping from branch to branch or a pair of cardinals perched on the feeder, there’s something special about seeing the birds interact. For my mom, it’s a passion, and for me, it’s a simple joy that brightens up the cold winter months.
Tracking the Birds with My Backyard Journal
Another thing my mom and I enjoy is keeping track of the birds we spot. My mom has always had an eye for details, identifying even the most subtle markings on birds. While I’m not as meticulous as she is, I’ve started keeping a Backyard Journal to jot down the birds I see at my feeders, what they’re eating, and when they stop by.

This has made birdwatching even more fun, and I love being able to reflect on the different species that visit, especially since each day brings new visitors.
The Backyard Journal is a great way to keep track of your observations. It’s perfect for birdwatching enthusiasts of all levels, whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned pro like my mom. The journal also makes a great gift!
Learn more about the journal in the article I wrote:
If you’re interested in keeping your own journal, you can grab one here.
Bonus Tip: Leaving Flower Stalks Over the Winter
One helpful tip for supporting winter bird populations is to leave flower stalks and seed heads intact in your garden instead of cutting them back in the fall. Many birds, particularly finches, sparrows, and chickadees, rely on the seeds left on plants such as sunflowers, coneflowers, and asters.
These seeds are a vital food source during the cold months. Additionally, flower stalks provide shelter for birds during harsh weather. Instead of trimming your garden too early, allow the stalks to stand through the winter. They not only provide food but also offer protection from wind and predators, creating a natural habitat for birds when they need it most.
Plus, leaving the stalks up can create a more natural and rustic look in your garden throughout the winter months.
Throughout the winter, there are several common flower garden seeds that birds love to feast on, offering them a reliable food source when natural resources are scarce. Some of the most popular flower seeds that birds enjoy include:
Sunflowers: Sunflower seeds are a favorite of many bird species, including cardinals, finches, and chickadees. They provide a rich source of fat and protein, making them a great option for winter feeding.
Coneflowers (Echinacea): The seed heads of coneflowers attract finches, sparrows, and other small birds. The seeds are easy to access and offer a nutritious snack during the colder months.
Black-eyed Susans: These flowers are not only beautiful in the summer but their seeds are also loved by finches, goldfinches, and other small birds in winter.
Milkweed: Milkweed is another great source of seeds for birds, particularly for species like sparrows and chickadees, who enjoy nibbling on the small, fluffy seeds.
Zinnias: Though often planted for their vibrant colors, zinnia flowers also provide small seeds that birds can enjoy, especially during the late fall and winter months.
So whether you’re a passionate birdwatcher or just getting started, these tips from both my mom and me can help make your winter bird feeding a rewarding experience. From providing the right food to simply enjoying the beauty of your backyard visitors, birdwatching is a perfect way to connect with nature during the colder months.
Feeding birds brings a deep sense of gratification and enjoyment, offering both a connection to nature and a moment of peaceful reflection. The simple act of putting out food for the birds transforms your backyard into a lively space filled with colorful visitors, from cardinals to chickadees. Watching the birds interact—whether they’re hopping from branch to branch or flitting between feeders—can be incredibly calming, providing a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Beyond the beauty and relaxation, bird feeding also feels rewarding because it helps support local wildlife, especially during tough weather or migration periods. It’s an activity that offers both personal joy and the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping birds thrive.
Whether it’s the morning chirp of a finch or the sight of a woodpecker pecking away at suet, the experience can bring comfort and a sense of purpose to any home. Plus, it’s a great way to share the wonders of nature with others, fostering an appreciation for wildlife across generations.
For more mid-life hobby info, I invite you to follow Mid-Life Livin’ on Facebook and Instagram for more updates, tips, and inspiration. Happy birdwatching!
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